Our Story
Explore Licking County takes great pride in collaborating with community partners in creating experiences that are second to none and specific to our Land of Legend. The Find the Glass project is a perfect example of this collaborative community spirit. It started simply enough; an email with a thought. That idea grabbed the imagination of the Explore Licking County team and the powerhouse team from Newark-based The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art & Technology. Glass artists from The Works Hot Glass Studio would craft the glass surrounding the replicated Hopewell era flint point. Explore Licking County would take the lead in promotion, creative capital, and storytelling. The lingering question. How do you create something never done before when pouring hot glass around and over a knapped piece of flint? The obvious answer. You reach out to your partners at one of the nation’s leaders in industrial lighting to have a custom mold built. Holophane has been a Newark manufacturing staple since 1900 and welcomed the Find the Glass project with open arms, agreeing to cast a mold for the Studio to use.
The final piece of the collaboration puzzle would be YOU, the person looking for one of the most epic, family-friendly summer adventures to come down the line in a long time. It’s all up to you now. Get out there and uncover your own one-of-a-kind art piece that blends the best of Licking County’s history, creativity, and ingenuity.

About the Art